<% ' If date is in the future redirect to default if DateDiff("d",CDate(#3/13/2009#),date()) < 0 then response.redirect("default.asp") end if %> Unassisted Triple Plays

Daily Baseball Quiz

Friday, March 13, 2009
Today's theme is: Unassisted Triple Plays

  1. Who was the first shortstop to make an unassisted triple play?
    1. Neal Ball
    2. Jimmy Cooney
    3. Ron Hansen
    4. Ernie Padgett
    5. Glenn Wright

  2. Who was hit by the pitch 110 times in his career?
    1. Neal Ball
    2. George Burns
    3. Johnny Nuen
    4. John Valentin
    5. Glenn Wright

  3. Who turned the first unasissted triple play in the National League in the 20th century?
    1. Jimmy Cooney
    2. Rafael Furcal
    3. Mickey Morandini
    4. Ernie Padgett
    5. Glenn Wright

  4. Who was the first National League rookie shortstop to hit 20 home runs in a season?
    1. Jimmy Cooney
    2. Rafael Furcal
    3. Troy Tulowitzki
    4. John Valentin
    5. Glenn Wright

  5. Who was the first switch hitter to turn an unasissted triple play?
    1. Rafael Furcal
    2. Johnny Nuen
    3. Asdrúbal Cabrera
    4. Mickey Morandini
    5. Glenn Wright

  6. Who was the first player to turn an unassisted triple play and hit for the cycle?
    1. Eric Bruntlett
    2. Ron Hansen
    3. Ernie Padgett
    4. John Valentin
    5. Randy Verlarde

  7. How many days passed between Jimmy Cooney's unasissted triple play and Johnny Nuen's unasissted triple play?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5

  8. How many years passed between Johnny Nuen's unasissted triple play and Ron Hansen's unasissted triple play?
    1. 1
    2. 11
    3. 21
    4. 31
    5. 41

  9. Who was the first player to make an unassisted triple play in a World Series game?
    1. Neal Ball
    2. George Burns
    3. Troy Tulowitzki
    4. Bill Wambsganss
    5. Glenn Wright

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