' Get the current date
currentDate = date()
' Convert the expiration date
expdate = CDate(#6/5/2009#)
' Compare dates
comparison = DateDiff("d",expdate,currentDate)
' If date is in the past display the link
if comparison > 0 then
<% End if %>
' Set the connection string and open the connection
set conn = server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open ("DSN=counter")
sql = "SELECT * from counter WHERE counterID = " & cint(156)
set rs = conn.execute(sql)
counter = cint(rs("Count"))
counter = counter + 1
sql = "UPDATE counter set Count ='"& counter &"' WHERE counterID = 156"
set rs = conn.execute(sql)
Set rs = Nothing
set conn = nothing