<% ' If date is in the future redirect to default if DateDiff("d",CDate(#6/16/2009#),date()) < 0 then response.redirect("default.asp") end if %> Milwaukee Brewers

Daily Baseball Quiz

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Today's theme is: Milwaukee Brewers

  1. Who was the first Milwaukee Brewer pitcher to lose 20 games in one season?
    1. Jimmy Haynes
    2. Lew Krausse
    3. Jim Slaton
    4. Clyde Wright
    5. Jamey Wright

  2. Who was the only Milwaukee Brewer involved in the first two triple plays turned by the Milwaukee Brewers?
    1. Sean Berry
    2. Jeff Cirillo
    3. Mark Loretta
    4. David Nilsson
    5. Fernando Viña

  3. Who is the first Milwaukee Brewers pitcher to hit three batters in one game?
    1. Pete Broberg
    2. Mike Caldwell
    3. Bill Wegman
    4. Steve Woodard
    5. Jamey Wright

  4. Who is the first Milwaukee Brewer to have four extra base hits in one game?
    1. Cecil Cooper
    2. Paul Molitor
    3. Scott Podsednik
    4. Richie Sexson
    5. Robin Yount

  5. How many seasons of 45 home runs and more than 120 RBI did Richie Sexson have with the Milwaukee Brewers?
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4

  6. Who was the first Milwaukee Brewer pitcher to win 20 games in one season?
    1. Mike Caldwell
    2. Jim Colborn
    3. Teddy Higuera
    4. Clyde Wright
    5. Pete Vuckovich

  7. Who was the first Milwaukee Brewer to hit a grand slam?
    1. Tommy Harper
    2. Mike Hegan
    3. Roberto Peña
    4. Phil Roof
    5. Danny Walton

  8. Who was the first Milwaukee Brewer to hit 30 home runs in one season?
    1. Tommy Harper
    2. Larry Hisle
    3. Ben Oglivie
    4. George Scott
    5. Gorman Thomas

  9. Who was the first to have 1000 RBI as a Milwaukee Brewer?
    1. Cecil Cooper
    2. Geoff Jenkins
    3. Paul Molitor
    4. Ben Oglivie
    5. Robin Yount

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