Course Description
In this two-day hands-on course students learn how to identify causes of procrastination and indecision, pinpoint personal time-wasters and increase their concentration and focus. Students also learn to schedule their time more effectively, stay on track, and keep important goals in mind, so they can stay in balance and be more effective and productive.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Set and accomplish goals
- Establish reasonable and realistic boundaries on the use of their time
- Recognize and deal with time-wasters
- Improve concentration and efficiency
- Break indecision and procrastination habits
- Use technology to help manage time
- Create and recharge positive energy
- Recognize the value of their time
- Understand what is important to accomplish their goals
- Balance competing priorities to meet ever-changing demands
- Develop effective ways of handling paperwork
- Stop procrastinating and work on critical tasks
- Look for opportunities to delegate appropriate tasks to others
- Work effectively as a team member
Course Benefits
Students will increase their productivity by learning how to management their time, and getting more of the right things done in less time.
Who Should Attend
Business professionals who want greater control of their time, management style and life.
Method Of Instruction
Lecture, short interactive quizzes, questions and answers, and workshop tasks.
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Time Management Is Self-ManagementChapter 2: Planning Your Success
- Shift Focus from Managing Time to Managing Self
- Identify Typical Timewasters
- Identify Personal Strengths and Development Opportunities to Control Time
Chapter 3: Concentration, Focus and Organization
- Define Goals Based on Your Role
- Establish Important and Valid Priorities
- Create a Realistic and Productive Schedule
- Use a Robust Planning Process to Analyze and Review Plans
Chapter 4: Managing Technology
- Create Productive and Efficient Routines to Support Core Goals
- Identify Ways to Organize and Manage Your Environment
- Identify Ways to Deal with Distractions and Interruptions
Chapter 5: Creating Boundaries and Balance
- Develop Strategies to use Technology More Efficiently and Productively
- Select the Right Form of Communication for Your Message
- Identify Ways to Manage E-mail
- Prioritize and Choose Activities to Balance Life and Work
- Create Your Own "No" Script