More on Tags

We just learned that tags which mark an ending have a / immediately after <, as in </.

There are two kinds of tags. Those tags which require an ending, are called range tags. They are called "range tags" because they cover a range of text. Examples of range tags are <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY>, <TITLE>. Range tags require ending tags (</HTML>, </HEAD>, </BODY>, </TITLE>)

<TITLE>My Home Page</TITLE>

<!-- Written by me -->
<!-- Created:  yesterday -->
<!-- Last modified:  today -->


This is where the text goes. 


Those tags which do not require an ending, are called point tags. They are called "point tags" because they mark up the page only at a specific point on the page. We will learn about three specific point tags in the next chapter.

Point tags and range tags may also have attributes.

What are attributes?


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