The PRE Tag

The <PRE> tag is used to include preformatted text into your HTML document. Text will be displayed with spaces just like you type it, in a fixed pitch font. For example, the following HTML source code:

This    is   should be the  end of  my first   paragraph in HTML.

This should be the start of my second paragraph in HTML.

And  this  is  should  be  my  third  paragraph in HTML.

Would display this on the user's screen:
This    is   should be the  end of  my first   paragraph in HTML.

This should be the start of my second paragraph in HTML.

And  this  is  should  be  my  third  paragraph in HTML.

Please note two things. First there are no text separator tags, such as <P> or <BR> in the source code. Also the spacing between the words in the output is identical to that in the source code. The format is identical, or preformatted.

I understand the PRE tag, what is next?


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